Contact David Nikao Wilcoxson

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28 thoughts on “Contact David Nikao Wilcoxson”

  1. Hi David!
    I appreciate your hard work. I bought and read all 3 of your books. I’ve watched all your videos. And I’ve been thru much of your websites. I’ve shared with all who are on my email list, plus on YouTube and Fakebook.
    I would like to start helping out with spreading the truth about the 70 weeks of Daniel. I would like to share the prophecy fulfillment with the pastors of churches in my area by mailing a copy of your one-page PDF, “The 70th Week Of Daniel 9 Decoded Summary” to them. Would you have any suggestions for an introduction letter to them or do you think just getting the PDF mailed out to them is enough? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    Yah bless you!

    • Thank you for your comment Kevin! I appreciate your zeal in wanting to share the truth of prophecy fulfillment.

      That’s a great question about an introduction letter. I’ll think about what it could say to cause them to consider the summary and maybe make a one-pager that I will post on the website.

      For now, maybe write a short note on the top of the one-pager that says that ‘the enemy has created many deceptions in the end-times,’ and encourage them to ‘pursue truth not to defend a belief.’

      Yah bless you!

      • I had one more question (I actually have a lot of questions ). I’ve been reading your PDFs on Daniel. When you referenced (on another podcast episode—that’s how I found out about you) that you thought we were at the Church of Laodicia, does that mean that the 7 Churches represent the seven weeks/years in Daniel? I’ve been searching and searching for the past 2 years for something to make sense in all this mess, especially since the Book of Revelation is so weird (it’s THEIR playbook), and because it’s divination (false prophecy).
        Is there a way to get in touch with you in private? I don’t really like posting or sharing too much of anything online anymore.

        • Brenda, the letters to the seven churches in Revelation 2-3 are written primarily to seven church eras which span from the first century until Messiah returns. Six churches have come and gone, we’re in the last one, Laodicea. I teach through Revelation in the Revelation Timeline Decoded videos, audios and book, which you can access from the website:

          I approve all comments manually, so if you want to make another comment and include your email address, I won’t publish it and will send you an email, so that you can communicate privately that way.

          • Thank you, that makes a lot more sense now! I started looking at your page on the geocentric globe model this morning. That model is how I’ve always understood it as a child up until about a year and a half ago. I started coming across way too many declassified documents and other historical information that pointed toward a non-rotating, flat earth model (which I believe is still enclosed in a globe shaped firmament, not a dome). However, I am aware that both historical models (globe/flat) have been promoted by the Adversary. I honestly don’t believe we have the manpower to know the shape of what we live on and how it all works, unless evil people (like at nasa and cern) are accessing sacred knowledge (Tree of Knowledge) from the fallen angels (liars) using the Enochian (magick) system which is how they developed the prefect mathematical globe calculations—that is why I don’t believe it. I don’t care what the Truth is (whether I agree with it or struggle with it), I just want to know the Truth of what God intended us to know because I know we’re being lied to. And maybe God doesn’t want us to know the Truth about certain things right now; I don’t know anymore. I know that I know nothing 😉 and not nearly as much as I thought I did years ago (ha ha). It’s definitely been humbling.

          • Brenda, indeed the enemy has deceived mankind about the design of the universe in order to push their evil evolution doctrine, which denies a Creator. In my research, I found that the Bible describes a globe earth at the center of the universe, which is what astronomers believed before Copernicus was used to promote the heliocentric design.

            On this website, you can request a free copy of the book that I wrote which goes through the Bible verses. And it includes information about space probes which prove that the globe earth is at the center of the universe.

          • Hi David, I didn’t see a reply button on your last response. I don’t believe in “outer space” or the “universe.” These concepts are promoted by government space programs. The idea/concept of a “universe” is from the enemy. Moltmann talks a little about this in his theology. He addresses the hermetic concept is the Infitnite and the All, as these references are supposed to symbolize God, but it’s actually a lie because God can’t be infinite (especially if He’s the Alpha and Omega—the beginning and the end, meaning that He is all there is); therefore, there can’t be a “universe” as explained in science or astronomy to be infinite—it’s an oxymoron. I also don’t believe we ever went to the moon. It’s all a lie. We can’t get past the firmament and we never have. There are multiple government declassified documents stating this, and nasa has admitted it in their sloppy videos. There’s also Scripture that supports a flat earth based on multiple facts, scientifically and spiritually. From what I’ve researched, the North Pole is the center where Godsits on His throne above. Its also where the magnetic pull comes from which makes sense if Lucifer was cast down through the shaft of the abyss. A compass can’t work on a globe model. The early ships used the constellations as guideposts because they mapped out lay lines, their early maps were flat earth maps. Pilot manuals all correlate to a flat surface model for training.The curvature of a globe model also doesn’t work, I’ve personally proven this one. I don’t know the shape of what we live on or that much about how it operates, but I can say that we’re not shooting through space and spinning. Project fishbowl, high jump, and many others all pertain to testing the firmament. No one can sail to Antarctica before they’re stopped by the 7 militaries that guard the ice wall. No one actually knows what’s beyond the ice wall because no one is allowed past that far (Antarctic Treaty). Those are just a few of the things I’ve come across in my research. I hope you’ll look into some of them if you haven’t heard of them before. I’m not claiming to be an expert on any of this stuff even though I’ve studied it extensively (especially flat/globe stuff), I still don’t know anything for certain and none of us do. However, I’m intrigued by all of your research and plan on purchasing your books in the near future and am also open to learning more about your globe defense 😉 even though I’m pretty convinced otherwise. I can share with you some of my own research on KJV/Bacon (freemason along with King James), and also any info on the earth stuff through email if you’d like. I like the research you’re doing and anticipate learning more of your insights! Thank you for all your hard work!

          • Brenda, I’ve done my research, thanks. I don’t think that we went to the moon either. No doubt the enemy has deceived most people with NASA and their heliocentric lie. Keep learning and growing in The Way of Messiah!

          • Thank you, David! I wish you well in continuing your research also! I’ll be praying for your ministry and your journey in collaborating your knowledge with other believers’ research, as Jesus encourages us to do, so that we can all gain a deeper understanding of Truth in Scripture! I’d like to encourage you to be more open to what others can bring to the table. We all need to encourage one another in learning and understanding Scripture because there can’t be just a few leading the pack—we all need to lead together

          • Thank you for your comment and your prayers Brenda! I’m very open to what others bring to the table as I just want to know the truth. About three years ago, I had several people approach me about the flat earth. I did my research and was blessed to be shown that the Bible describes a geocentric universe. I wrote a book that covers all of the verses that flat earthers cite. You can request a free PDF copy of the book @

          • I also wanted to ask you how the grey Pope fits into everything? Nobody ever mentions the grey Pope, but he supposedly runs the show from behind the scenes because he’s the only true bloodline.

          • I don’t think I consider myself as a “flat earther” just yet—maybe more of a stationary earther or God earther 😉 however He created it. What I meant in my response was that we ALL have knowledge that can help in understanding the bigger picture. If you haven’t heard of Francis Bacon editing the KJV, or haven’t heard of him in general, he was MAJOR player back then and would be worth looking into. He was known for writing coded messages (ciphers) for the Queen. People have also linked him with writing the Shakespeare plays (which also include a lot of Biblical Scripture). I just wanted to ask if you had any info and if not maybe mention it to you in case it might help your ministry. I wasn’t looking to gain anything by it. Thanks for the info on the grey Pope

            I was reading John’s gospel this morning and noticed a few of Jesus’ references to Simon Peter/Simon the Sorcerer that may have been linked to him being recognized as the first Pope, St. Peter. Your ministry helped me see some of those links

  2. Hi David,
    I’ve just come across your work, and I’m very intrigued by everything you’ve uncovered. I’ve had thoughts about dispensationalism over that past year. I’ve actually been to seminary for my MA, and I don’t remember ever talking about it in theology class—I also agree with everything you said about seminaries lol. The one thing I’m curious to know if you’ve heard about Francis Bacon editing the KJV right before it was published? There’s no factual evidence that it actually occurred, but there’s been a lot of independent research on it (and it’s pretty obvious/convincing that he changed some things around, at least I believe he did). It’s pretty obvious once you look a little deeper into it. Do you know anything about it that you could share?

    • Hi Brenda, that’s great that you’re studying prophecy fulfillment! The 70th week of Daniel 9 is a great place to start, to know the fulfillment and see the grand deception that’s based on it.

      I’ve not researched Francis Bacon’s role in the KJV enough to provide any insight. I don’t recall seeing any comments about it from the great theologians of the 17-20th centuries, who wrote whole Bible commentaries; such as Adam Clarke, Albert Barnes, John Gill or Matthew Poole.

      I’ve not seen that the Strong’s Hebrew-Greek Dictionary, which is based on the KJV, makes a point about it.

      Compared to the modern Bibles, which are based on corrupt Greek manuscripts that are missing words and verses, and removed some proofs of Messiah’s deity: I’ll stick with the KJV. This study shows the two paths of manuscripts.

      That said, I don’t think that the KJV is perfect, but it’s based on the right foundation of manuscripts and it’s a word-for-word translation.

      • I just wanted to add one more thing. I was a English Literature major in undergrad and took a Shakespeare class. We didn’t talk about Bacon at all, but the mystery of Shakespeare’s identity was brought up. I’m familiar with multiple commentaries, the Lexicon, and Strong’s concordance. None of those sources will mention Bacon and his connection to the KJV. All the publishing companies are controlled, so any kind of secret scandal like that would never be allowed to be published by the major Bible publishers. That’s the reason why I brought it up because if you’ve ever looked into it in depth by studying the Old English language and words used to write both the KJV AND Shakespeare’s plays, you can see the connection. You apply that knowledge with the historical knowledge of the time when the KJV and Shakespeare’s plays were written, and there you have it! It takes a keen eye to see it, but it’s very obvious especially since there are a multitude of masonic and rosicrucian signatures throughout. Unless someone tells you about it, you won’t find it anywhere through highly controlled resources like the ones you mentioned. If you’re really earnestly searching for Truth, you can’t leave that out—it’s actually a huge part of history (and similar to how other historical scandals have been hidden from us). Even if discovering that knowledge interferes with your published books, if you’re an honest Truth seeker, it shouldn’t matter—you’ve even mention that in your recordings, so I would also hold you to that same standard. You’re comment to decline any of my research sounded a little arrogant, and that you didn’t feel as though my research could teach you anything. I was just asking about and suggesting some things to you freely (with no expectations of gaining anything from it), but you denied them which was a little revealing about your character in your search for Truth. That’s ok though because we’re all at different points in many aspects of life. I know bringing up the KJV corruption bothers many people, so I apologize if it made you uncomfortable. I’ll be praying that the Lord will continue to reveal the Truth to you. I think you’re doing a good work with Daniel, though! Keep up the good work and many blessings to you for serving the Lord!

        • In my last comment, I said “I appreciate you sharing about Francis Bacon.” I’m not seeing how that’s considered declining your research or coming across as arrogant.

          Bringing up things like Francis Bacon doesn’t make me uncomfortable. I understand that the major publishers wouldn’t mention Francis Bacon, but I’ve not seen any of the great theologians of the 16th-20th centuries, who wrote whole Bible commentaries, say anything about him.

          I didn’t deny anything, I just shared about my research. Perhaps you’re reading too much into my responses because you seem to be very defensive.

          Keep pressing on for the glory of our King!

          • You denied my offer to share information with you by stating “Brenda, I’ve done my research, thanks.” That sounds very short and dismissive, whether or not you meant it that way.

            Bible commentaries wouldn’t include non-scholarly sources/information on “conspiracy theories” in their research of Scripture—that’s not how it works. Having experience in going to seminary, I’ve learned how to research Scripture pretty well (without becoming indoctrinated lol ) and that’s probably due to my lifelong journey of pursuing a closer relationship with Christ and growing in my faith, with a little extra knowledge I gained in my undergrad studies of English Literature (which I took a class separate from the Shakespeare class where we did go over the KJV Bible, and nothing was ever mentioned about Bacon). I don’t know why you would think I sounded defensive when all I did was call you out on declining my offer to share information with you. I’ve been pretty respectful in our conversation by wishing you well in your research, and I honestly mean that. I think you’re doing a good thing with Daniel and the 70th week. I’ve also been encouraging to you as well as offering my own research for the purpose of helping your ministry which you declined, and that’s ok. Its ok if you don’t want anyone else to help you understand things that you don’t know about that actually have precedence to what you’ve researched on your own (e.g., Bacon references, KJV Bible, and Shakespeare). It’s ok to admit that we don’t have all the information, or that we may have missed some things or made mistakes in our assumptions and theories. Your dismissive responses are noted, and I won’t be responding after this message. AGAIN, I wish you well in your research, and I’ll be praying for your ministry.

          • After I shared “I found that the Bible describes a globe earth at the center of the universe,” you responded by proclaiming all of this:

            “I don’t believe in “outer space” or the “universe.” These concepts are promoted by government space programs. The idea/concept of a “universe” is from the enemy. Moltmann talks a little about this in his theology. He addresses the hermetic concept is the Infitnite and the All, as these references are supposed to symbolize God, but it’s actually a lie because God can’t be infinite (especially if He’s the Alpha and Omega—the beginning and the end, meaning that He is all there is); therefore, there can’t be a “universe” as explained in science or astronomy to be infinite—it’s an oxymoron. I also don’t believe we ever went to the moon. It’s all a lie. We can’t get past the firmament and we never have. There are multiple government declassified documents stating this, and nasa has admitted it in their sloppy videos. There’s also Scripture that supports a flat earth based on multiple facts, scientifically and spiritually. From what I’ve researched, the North Pole is the center where Godsits on His throne above. Its also where the magnetic pull comes from which makes sense if Lucifer was cast down through the shaft of the abyss. A compass can’t work on a globe model. The early ships used the constellations as guideposts because they mapped out lay lines, their early maps were flat earth maps. Pilot manuals all correlate to a flat surface model for training.The curvature of a globe model also doesn’t work, I’ve personally proven this one. I don’t know the shape of what we live on or that much about how it operates, but I can say that we’re not shooting through space and spinning. Project fishbowl, high jump, and many others all pertain to testing the firmament. No one can sail to Antarctica before they’re stopped by the 7 militaries that guard the ice wall. No one actually knows what’s beyond the ice wall because no one is allowed past that far (Antarctic Treaty). Those are just a few of the things I’ve come across in my research. I hope you’ll look into some of them if you haven’t heard of them before.

            To which I replied that I’ve done my research. It was a straightforward answer, as I’ve heard of all of those explanations.

  3. Hi brother David! I was going to wait to comment after I read all three of your books, but, I couldn’t wait! I recently purchased and read your 70th Week of Daniel 9 Decoded, I’m almost done the Olivet Discourse Decoded, and am chomping at the bit to read the Revelation Timeline Decoded, all in one week.. My mind is blown!! to say the least, and I’m still picking up the pieces, ie, for decades I’ve believed the on-going narrative (7 yr Grt Trib, one man Antichrist, Daniel 9 being future event,.. etc..), without investigating it myself. I’m generally a critical thinker & investigator at heart into the truth pertaining to ALL things, and for years, the aforementioned subject matter just didn’t add up to me. I often questioned it, but was always shut down by ‘authoritive’ figures, aka, pastors and/or persons with decades of studying the bible. The last few months I started digging in, specifically to the Great Trib/end times/antichrist narrative, and definitely hit a road block that couldn’t be explained by using the typical rationale! I generally never over-spiritualize things, expecting a miracle of sorts, but I diligently prayed for weeks for the Lord to lead me to the truth, then came across your videos, and books. I’m not being dramatic here, but, these truths in your books hit me like a tonne of bricks! The confirmation was so overwhelmingly great, relieving, and joyful, it just clicked! It FINALLY makes sense to me, all the pieces just fell into place, that NO ONE previously could adequately explain! I haven’t been able to put the books down.. now comes the fallout, the relearning, and much worse, attempting to share these truths to others that are stuck in the usual narrative!

    By the time I’m finished all three of your books, I will undoubtedly have many questions; where is the best place to contact you? here? I do not have a Face Book account, but could use someone else’s to contact you if need be, but that’s a little awkward.

    You recommend the KJV Bible, there are many publications, are they all the same text? I can’t find a 1611 KJV Bible. And I’ve been told, that since the KJV Bible’s release (1611), “more” information – implied as “more accurate” information has since come to light in the last century or so from the scrolls, hence, the reason for later Bible interpretations like NIV, ESV, etc… many others… that are supposed to be “more accurate.” I don’t believe that, and undoubtedly, if “more accurate” information was added to more recent Bible’s over the last few centuries, then it would be from the papacy, no doubt! As defined in detail in your books.. great example of blatantly changing scripture I mentioned to this person, was; we all know that Jesus IS the corner stone of the foundation of the church, yet the NIV says Jesus is the Capstone! ya, sure, we all know what the pyramid/capstone/all seeing eye is.

    Thank you brother David for your relentless wonderful work in the Word, if you could please address my couple questions, that’s be great.



    • Hi brother Mike! That’s awesome that you’re working through the books so fast. I tried to include enough info to prove the fulfillment, while striving to make the explanations concise and easy to understand. You’ll love the Revelation book, as it’s an amazing narrative to see how most of the prophecies have been fulfilled in exacting detail during the last 1,900 years.

      Yeah, I was misled about prophecy fulfillment too. The enemy has been very effective. Like you, the explanations that I was being given didn’t make sense. And as you noted, prophecy teachers don’t like their explanations being questioned.

      I love reading that you prayed for weeks to be shown truth and then you came across the videos and books! That makes my heart smile, because I pray for people like you who are praying for truth and searching it out, that the Spirit would move and put the historicist explanations in your path.

      Yeah, the historicist explanations just make sense, as they align with logic, meaning a 70 week prophecy is fulfilled in 70 consecutive weeks; the narrative of the Olivet Discourse was fulfilled in that generation just like Messiah proclaimed; and Revelation started to be fulfilled shortly after it was written, just like Messiah declared in the first verse.

      I’ve tried to make sharing the truth easy, with one-page summaries that you can save, print and share; on this website:

      If the one-page summary don’t open someone’s eyes, probably nothing will. If they do see some truth, they can follow the learning track on the home page of the website, to read studies, to watch videos, listen to audios, download PDF copies of the books or order books.

      The KJV should be the same text, there’s just different options with study guides, different font sizes, red-letters, etc.

      Most newer Bible are based on corrupt manuscripts, which are deemed as older and better. The enemy has tricked the end times saints with Bibles that made changes and removed many words. This study shows the two paths of manuscripts and Bibles:

      I’ll send you an email so that you have a way to contact me. Keep learning and growing in The Way of Messiah!

  4. Hello David,

    I just finished reading “The 70th Week of Daniel 9 Decoded”. Very impressive and excellently written! I made some interesting notes with 5 minor questions which may provoke your attention. Can I send you a copy of my .PDF book to present? Trust it will be so more easy to reference these points straight in the book itself. Do you have a direct e-mail address?


    • Hello Remco,

      Thank you for your comment.
      Sure you can send me a PDF copy of your 70th Week of Daniel 9 book.
      I sent you an email.

      Thank you,
      David Nikao Wilcoxson

  5. Hi David,
    We are starting a small Bible study based on your information. I ordered another “Daniel” book but in the meantime have lent mine out so we can get started. You’ve mentioned a pdf version of the book, could you send me a link for that so I can study while the other one is on the way?

    • Hi Kellie, that’s great that you’re studying Bible prophecy in your small group. You can request the PDF on the home page of the website. Enter your contact info and it will send an email with the link. Keep learning and growing in The Way of Messiah! David


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