Gabriel Ansley Erb 2028 END Daniels 70 Weeks Explained Video Review

This 70th week of Daniel Bible study post reviews a video by Gabriel Ansley Erb of 2028 END called DANIEL’S 70 WEEKS EXPLAINED | THE UNTOLD TRUTH

Gabriel Ansley Erb posted this video explanation in my End Times Deceptions Facebook group and tagged me in it, saying, “Hi David, the following video would bless you and your listeners to no end, for it correctly reveals how Christ “confirmed the covenant with many for ONE WEEK”. I’m serious, when you hear this, you will be dumbfounded. It’s a HUGE blessing. God bless.”

Here’s the video description: In the Book of Daniel (Chapter 9 | 24-27) the angel Gabriel gives Daniel a fascinating prophecy of 70 weeks that has left Bible scholars searching endlessly for the correct interpretation. For the first time ever, the prophecy is correctly revealed (explained)! 

The information in this video has NEVER been known before. If you listen to this entire video, you will know the ABSOLUTE TRUTH of the angel Gabriel’s prophecy to Daniel.

Let me start this video review by saying that I appreciate that Gabriel Ansley Erb teaches that Daniel 9:27 is pointing to Messiah confirming the everlasting covenant, to fulfill the six items in Daniel 9:24, to atone for our sins.

And I appreciate that he sees that it was the Jews abominations which caused punishment to come upon them in 70 AD when Jerusalem, the temple and the Jewish nation were desolated.

But I respectfully disagree with Gabriel Ansley Erb’s major point in the explanation.

Gabriel says that the 70th week points to Messiah dying in the middle of the seven years, in 28 AD, showing how the seven years of the 70th week was fulfilled. I agree with the premise, but his starting year is off-target.

Then Gabriel says that Daniel 9:27 points to the seven days of the Roman week and that Messiah was killed in the middle of the week, on Wednesday, which is a false premise.

Finally, Gabriel says that we are now in the final seven years, seemingly applying the 70th week of Daniel 9 to the end times.

It makes no sense to say that the 70th week of Daniel 9 was about seven years from 28-32 AD, that it was about seven days of the Roman week, and that it’s also about the end times and Messiah’s return in 2028.

Gabriel Ansley Erb of 2028 END says that Daniel 9:27 is pointing to Messiah confirming the covenant for seven days.

“And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.”

The word ‘for’ in Daniel 9:27 was added by the translators. The Young’s Literal Translation Bible reads:

“And he hath strengthened a covenant with many–one week, and in the midst of the week he causeth sacrifice and present to cease, and by the wing of abominations he is making desolate, even till the consummation, and that which is determined is poured on the desolate one.”

It is not saying that Messiah would confirm the covenant for seven days or seven years. It’s saying that in the seven years of the 70th week, Messiah would confirm the covenant.

And then it tells us when, in the middle of the seven years, as His sacrificial death caused the need for temple animal sacrifices to cease.

Messiah carried out His multiyear ministry in the first half of the seven years.

Then Messiah died in the middle of the seven years, exactly on time according to the prophecy.

During the latter 3 1/2 years of the 70th week, Messiah’s disciples preached the Gospel to the Jews for forgiveness of sins. Many believed in Messiah; 3,000 on the day of Pentecost and more were added daily.

At the end of the seven years of the 70th week, Stephen held the Jewish leaders to account for rejecting their promised Messiah and delivering Him up to be killed.

After Stephen was stoned to death by the wicked Jewish leaders, the narrative of Acts suddenly changes as the Gospel was also proclaimed to the Gentiles. This marks the end of the seven years of the 70th week of Daniel.

By this we see the fulfillment of the 70th week of Daniel 9 prophecy during the seven years.

Gabriel Ansley Erb of 2028 END says that the ‘one week’ in Daniel 9:27 points to seven days in a week and that Messiah died in the middle of the week, on Wednesday.

Gabriel Ansley Erb of 2028 END says that the 'one week' in Daniel 9:27 points to seven days in a week and that Messiah died in the middle of the week, on Wednesday.

This is a flawed explanation for many reasons.

First of all, there was no such thing as a Sunday-Saturday seven-day week when Messiah died, as the Romans observed an eight-day calendar and the days were named after the first eight letters of their alphabet.

It was not until later in the first century that the Romans also started using a seven-day week, but Saturday was the first day and Sunday the second, so Wednesday would have been the fifth day.

It wasn’t until the fourth century that the seven-day calendar became the official pattern in the Roman Empire, as they also used the eight-day week up until this point. It was changed by Constantine, who made Sunday the first day and Saturday the seventh day.

So it’s not valid to proclaim that Messiah died on Wednesday of the pagan Roman calendar.

Secondly, it’s flawed because Messiah died on Passover, the 14th day of the Scriptural month; was in the grave on the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the 15th day of the Scriptural month, which was a Sabbath; and He rose again on the third day, on the Feast of First Fruits, the 16th day of the Scriptural month.

Messiah said that He would rise on the third day, not the fourth day, as Gabriel shows on his chart.

And shall deliver him to the Gentiles to mock, and to scourge, and to crucify him: and the third day he shall rise again. Matthew 20:19

For he taught his disciples, and said unto them, The Son of man is delivered into the hands of men, and they shall kill him; and after that he is killed, he shall rise the third day. Mark 9:31

And said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day. Luke 24:46

And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures. 1 Corinthians 15:4

Thirdly, and most importantly, it’s wrong because the one week in Daniel 9:27 is pointing Messiah confirming the covenant in the remaining seven years of the 490-year prophecy.

The previous verses say ‘weeks’ because they’re pointing to periods of seven weeks and sixty-two weeks, which were fulfilled in 49 years and 434 years respectively, for a total of 483 years. Daniel 9:27 says ‘week’ because it’s pointing to a single week of seven years.

It’s illogical to say that the previous seven week and sixty-two week periods are pointing to weeks of years, seven years each; but that the last week in Daniel 9:27 is pointing to Messiah confirming the covenant in seven days.

It’s a 490-year prophecy, so it’s apparent that the one week of Daniel 9:27 is pointing to seven years. A 70-week prophecy is fulfilled in 70 consecutive weeks.

Gabriel Ansley Erb of 2028 END says that the angel Gabriel did not foretell when Messiah would die.

This is not true, as we can see when the command was given to start the prophecy, so we know when the 70th week took place.

It’s clear that the angel Gabriel was telling Daniel that Messiah the Prince would die in the middle of the seven years, the only week remaining in the prophecy, as His death ended the need for temple animal sacrifices.

Messiah died 3 1/2 years after the 70th week of Daniel 9 began, which is what the angel Gabriel declared.

This is a clear proof of the authority of Scripture and the deity of Messiah, as it was fulfilled in exacting detail.

Gabriel Ansley Erb of 2028 END says that the seven years of the 70th week began in 25 AD and that Messiah died in 28 AD.

Interestingly, his explanation that the 70th week of Daniel took place from 25-32 AD, and that Messiah died in 28 AD, places Messiah’s death in the middle of the seven years of the 70th week. By that we see that the prophecy is pointing to Messiah dying in the middle of seven years of the 70th week, not seven days of a week.

Gabriel Ansley Erb of 2028 END says that the seven years of the 70th week began in 25 AD and that Messiah died in 28 AD.

Why is he declaring that Daniel’s 70th week ran for seven years from 25-32 AD, and also that Daniel 9:27 points to Messiah dying in the middle of a seven day week? That makes no sense!

Gabriel Ansley Erb’s calculations are invalid for several reasons.

First of all, 483 years (69 weeks x 7) after his proclaimed 458 BC starting year, would result in the 70th week taking place from 26-33 AD, as there is no year zero, so you have to add one year to the timeline.

Secondly, most Bible scholars place Messiah’s death in years 30 or 31 AD, not 28 AD.

Thirdly, most historicists point to 457 BC as the starting year of the command, which projects the 70th week as taking place between 27-34 AD. Messiah dying in the year 31 AD, places His death in the middle of the seven years of the 70th week of Daniel.

By this we see that Gabriel Ansley Erb’s calculations are off-target, so his declaration that Messiah will return 2000 years later in 2028 AD is also misguided.

At the end of the video, Gabriel Ansley Erb of 2028 END says that ‘nothing in Gabriel’s prophecy is about the end times or the antichrist.’

But then he proclaims that ‘we’re in the first years of the final seven years right now.’ 

Those two statements are contrary to each other!

The concept of a 7-year tribulation period is based on Daniel 9:27. Gabriel Ansley Erb teaches that Daniel 9:27 was fulfilled by Messiah coming to confirm the everlasting covenant; and then Gabriel points to an end-times 7-year period, a future 70th week of Daniel. That’s illogical!

The 70th week of Daniel 9 prophecy was fulfilled completely after the 69th week. There won’t be a future 70th week of Daniel 9. A future 7-year tribulation period is not Scriptural, so his countdown to the year 2028 is misguided.

I pray that Gabriel Ansley Erb will learn the whole truth about the fulfillment of the 70th week of Daniel 9, as he understands some of the fundamentals of the prophecy.

70th Week Of Daniel 9 Decoded book - 7 year tribulation concept explained.

I wrote The 70th Week Of Daniel 9 Decoded book to prove out the glorious fulfillment by Messiah, and expose the deception of the enemy.

It’s the one Bible prophecy that pointed to the exact time when Messiah would carry out His ministry and die for our sins, which is why the enemy seeks to hide the truth.

When you understand that the 70th week of Daniel 9 foretold the exact time that Messiah would carry out His ministry and die for our sins; then you know that it’s not about the antichrist.

Regarding the ‘covenant’ of Daniel 9:27, it’s the same covenant that Daniel just mentioned in Daniel 9:4, which already existed. It is the everlasting covenant that was made to Abraham, which Messiah came to ‘confirm’ with His blood as the Passover Lamb, which paid the price for our sins and ended the need for temple animal sacrifices.

We’ll all stand before our Righteous Judge to account for what we believe and teach about the most important prophecy in the Bible. I pray that you will read the explanations in this book about the 70th week of Daniel, compare it to Scripture, and discern it for yourself.



2 thoughts on “Gabriel Ansley Erb 2028 END Daniels 70 Weeks Explained Video Review”

  1. Hi,

    So what is one to make of the 42 months, 1260 days of Revelation that are yet future if instead this is the truth of the remaining 3.5 years of Daniel’s 70th week: “During the latter 3 1/2 years of the 70th week, Messiah’s disciples preached the Gospel to the Jews for forgiveness of sins. Many believed in Messiah; 3,000 on the day of Pentecost and more were added daily.”

    At the end of the seven years of the 70th week, Stephen held the Jewish leaders to account for rejecting their promised Messiah and delivering Him up to be killed.

    After Stephen was stoned to death by the wicked Jewish leaders, the narrative of Acts suddenly changes as the Gospel was also proclaimed to the Gentiles. This marks the end of the seven years of the 70th week of Daniel.”

    I hear Christians say that alot, that the last 3.5 years were fulfilled from Pentecost to the death of Stephen. Where does it say in the NT that this timeframe was 3.5 years? The 2 witnesses, in my mind, are the ones who fulfill the final 3.5 years of Daniel’s 70th week when they go forth to witness to the masses before God’s wrath is poured out. At least there you have 3.5 years mentioned, not so from Pentecost to the stoning of Stephen. That is all assumed.

    So what do you consider the 42 months, 1260 days, or 3.5 years of Revelation to be if not the last 1/2 of the 70th week. Adding up the Passovers in John 2, 6 and 11 only comes to 2 years not including the time before the 1st passover when he was baptized, 40 days in the wilderness, and choosing disciples. They try to force the unnamed feast in John 5 to be a passover, but that is disingenuous to make it say something it doesn’t to force a belief in a 3.5 year ministry.

    Furthermore, is seems to me one is already told that Messiah would be cut off, but not for himself, AFTER the 62 weeks had ended, but BEFORE the 70th ended. It is redundant to say it a second time in Dan 9:25 when we already know he would be cut off. In this case, I agree with Gabriel, the week spoken of here is a literal week. Yeshua rose before the sun rose on the first of the week, he rose near the end of the 7th day. Yeshua strengthened the Old Covenant with the New Covenant with MANY during passover week. Matt 26:28: “For this is my blood of the NEW TESTAMENT, which is shed FOR MANY for the remission of sins.” His blood that was to be shed is what ended the sacrifice and oblation that night before he was even on the cross.
    The old was written on tables of stone, the new is written on our hearts.

    Tiberius, according to Suetonius, was in Germania from 10-12 AD. Upon his return to his father “the consuls caused a law to be passed soon after this that he should govern the provinces jointly with Augustus” 12 AD + 15 = 27/28 when John began his ministry. Yeshua quoted Isaiah, a passage that concerns the Jubile, he did so in Nazareth. He was declaring on the day of Atonement that he fulfilled the first part of that scripture before closing the book, which is the end when God pours out his wrath. Atonement is in September, back up 40 days and you are around August 11 when Yeshua was baptized. Could even go back further than that because 2 verses prior to him reading from the book of Isaiah, it says : And Jesus returned (from the wilderness) in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and there went out a fame of him through all the region round about. AND HE TAUGHT IN THEIR SYNAGOGUES, being glorified of all.” Followed by: “And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day (DAY OF ATONEMENT IS A SABBATH DAY), and stood up for to read. And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Esaias. And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written, The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord. And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down.”

    Not sure long how he preached in their synagogues before going to to Nazareth on the day of Atonement, but hence why I said he could have been baptized even earlier than August 11. So what is my point in telling you all that?? Yeshua was most likely baptized on the day of Pentecost, same day the Holy Spirit was poured out on the 3000. Pentecost is actually in July, it is 49 + and additional 50 days for a count of 99 days putting you at around the 3rd week in July. So from around July 22 to end of August he was in the wilderness, comes back, preaches in the synagogues, goes to Nazareth on the day of Atonement and proclaims the day of liberty.

    I think Yeshua came in 28AD, ministry began in September of 28 AD., ministered until passover of 31 AD, (2.5 years) the death of Stephen marked the end of the remaining months of the first 3.5 years of Daniel’s 70th week, followed by the 2 days (2000 years) for the gospel to go to the gentiles before the final 3.5 years. If it can be assumed that the latter 3.5 years ended with Stephen’s death, I can certainly say the last 6 months ended with his death.

    As for that week in Daniel 9:25, I said I agreed with Gabriel that that is the literal passover week. Middle of the week would be the 4th day of the 6 working days before the 7th day sabbath. It also did fall on a Wednesday looking back from our time, so I don’t see a problem with it. I don’t agree that Yeshua was crucified in 28 AD, I said I believed that was the start of his ministry. I also agree with him that 2028 is the final year,but not from his death, but rather 2000 years from his first coming. I don’t agree that there is a final 7 year tribulation period, but there is a 3.5 year tribulation period. The 70th week are 3.5 year bookends to the 2000 year gap and will end with the return of Yeshua,

    • Hi Elle, The 42 months, 1260 days of Revelation are not related to the last 3 1/2 years of the 70th week of Daniel 9. The 42 months, 1260 days of Revelation point to the 1,260-year civil reign of the antichrist beast popes from 538-1798 AD.

      I explain the timeline of the fulfillment of the seven years of the 70th week on this study:

      I explain the fulfillment of the latter 3 1/2 years on this study:

      The two witnesses of Revelation testified against the antichrist beast popes, who during the Dark Ages killed millions of Messiah’s saints, and banned and burned the Scriptures which testified against them.

      It makes no sense that that the week is a literal week, when the 70 weeks of Daniel 9 prophecy is about 490 years.

      We can see by the Gospels that Messiah had a multiyear ministry, which took place during the first half of the seven years of the 70th week.

      The fulfillment timeline study that I listed above shows how we can validate that Stephen’s death took place 3 1/2 years after Messiah’s death and resurrection.

      It makes no sense to insert a 2,000 year time gap in the middle of the 70th week of Daniel 9. It makes perfect sense too see that the prophecy was about the Gospel being proclaimed to the Jews first and that it was fulfilled in 70 consecutive weeks (490 years).


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