If you have questions about a particular 70th Week Of Daniel 9 study, please read the related studies, as they might answer your question.
If you disagree with an explanation, please provide scriptural evidence for your position.
Just saying that you disagree, or that your Pastor or a top radio/TV preacher teaches differently, is not enough.
For we must rely on scripture and the historical fulfillment of prophecy, not on speculations that have no proof.
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Thank you!
Mercy, peace, and love to you!
David Nikao Wilcoxson
Hi David,
You have really done your homework! LOL! I was wondering if you have any information online about the Ezekiel 37 prophesy that is used very often when referring to the Jews returning to their homeland. Since I know you believe that the modern state of Israel is illegitimate, I’m sure this would be an interesting and eye opening topic for many people including me. Also, just curious how the Gregorian calendar plays a role in determining fulfilled dates for prophesy? Since the calendar changed, is it difficult to determine dates or years?
Hi Molly, thank you for your comment! I don’t have a study on Ezekiel 37, but it seems to point to Messiah who joined the House of Israel and the House of Judah back into one House, so it was fulfilled at Messiah’s first advent.
Here is a study the shows that the regathering of the House of Israel already happened. They lived in Galilee where Messiah spent most of His time. He declared that He came for the House of Israel.
The Gregorian calendar provides a reference to explain the fulfillment of prophecy, so it doesn’t really present a challenge. Not sure that answers your question, but I haven’t seen that it presents a problem.
Keep learning and growing in The Way!
Hi David,
I’m feeling a bit alone in this so I’m very grateful for your comments!
About the Gregorian calendar question I had…I was asking if the dates of prophesy fulfillment are difficult to pinpoint since the calendar used during the time of the prophesies was God’s lunar calendar and the new year is different than the Gregorian calendar. Also I learned that the Gregorian calendar added 12 days.
On to another topic…I’m curious how you handle Christmas? Say hypothetically if your mother has the whole family together for dinner and presents? Do you attend or skip or how does one handle the new revelation that Christmas is a pagan practice wrapped up in a Christian package?
Thank you!!
OK! All I see here is an attempt to get us to believe that the 70th week has already occurred. I’m game! So let’s say that it has. I would guess that Stephen was most like stoned no later than 70 AD (Acts 7:54-60). So if the 70th week has been fulfilled, then where does that put us today? Where are we now? I can see that we (here in the US) dodged a bullet (or did we?) when Hillary was defeated! But where are we in God’s time-line? If the 70th week has been done, then what are we to be looking forward to or looking out for? It certainly isn’t the thousand year reign of Christ,yet! People like the Clinton’s give us clear proof that evil is alive and prospering! What say, yeah?
Lonny, how are you seeing that 39 years passed from when Messiah was crucified in 31 A.D., until Stephen was stoned to death? What are you basing that on?
As for where we are now in regard to prophecy fulfillment, here is a Revelation Fulfillment Summary, that shows what has been fulfilled during the last 1,900 years; where we are at now on the fulfillment timeline, and what will happen next as we await Messiah’s return. http://revelationtimelinedecoded.com/revelation-fulfillment-timeline-summary/
[Lonny, how are you seeing that 39 years passed from when Messiah was crucified in 31 A.D., until Stephen was stoned to death? What are you basing that on?]
That’s a guesstimation. I did say that Stephen was “most likely” stoned no later than 70 AD. Taking into account Jesus was crucified in 31 AD, then he had to have been stoned past 31 AD and couldn’t have lived a full ripe old age, so guessing he could not have lived past 70 Ad is a guesstimation.
You’re getting off the point with my “Stephen” comment. Your second paragraph has gotten back to point. Thanks, I DL’d the PDf version and will examine it.
Hello David,
I am extremely blessed by your website content and the facts you have presented mirror my own research and study. I have a question on a topic and would like your opinion. Please email me brother.
Bless you for all your are doing in presenting the truth in this day of great deception!
Hello Roland. I’m blessed to know that the studies have helped you!
I sent you an email, to ask your question.
Blessings to you,
Thank you again, David!
Continuing to study and have another question. Who is the synagogue of satan?
I (and other brothers and sisters) study the Bible in light of Paul’s revelations to the gentiles (nations). When I’m sharing this information, they keep reminding me that “Revelation is ALL about Israel”. I’m referred to Greek words that focus “earth” as a it was then and reminded that we are already in heaven at this point and that earthly Israel (gathered 144,000) is ruling the nations for a 1,000 years.
It is my belief that the current geo-political state of Israel is not mentioned in Scripture unless they are the synagogue of satan who say they are Jews but are not. The 144,000 from the tribes are mentioned. I believe that number to be symbolic.
Sorry for rambling. Can you point me to some key verses? I believed dispensationally for so long that I’m asking the Lord to put me in the right path. I do see that Paul, in His later writings refers to Jew and gentiles as ONE…the ecclesia. I also know that we are in the spiritual realm and not the earthly.
Thanks, David!
Hi Lorrie, the only mention of Jews in Revelation is when Messiah says that they claim to be Jews, but do lie. That seems to point to people who are not the descendants of Abraham, like many in the modern state of Israel; who proclaim to be the Jews of the Bible.
Revelation is all about Israel from the point of view that true Israel is made up of the saints, who have a covenant relationship with the Father through the Son.
True Israel is made up of Jews and Gentiles. It is not about the modern Zionist state of Israel.
It is about the historical battle between the Satan-empowered leader of the Roman beast, fighting against Messiah and His saints.
Satan used the Roman Emperors to try to wipe out the Early Church, killing 10 million saints; but the saints overcame by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.
When the Roman Empire declined and fell, due to the seal and trumpet judgments; Satan caused the antichrist Popes of Rome to take power of the Roman beast; and he used them to try to wipe out the Two Witnesses of the Scriptures (as the banned and burned them) and the saints (as they caused over 50 million saints to be killed.)
Since the Popes were removed from power in 1798 A.D., Satan has empowered the false prophet Jesuit General to control the Vatican, and he is using it to push the world into a One World Government.
Here is my Revelation Timeline Decoded summary study, that shows the big picture of the narrative of Revelation; what has been fulfilled during the last 1,900 years (most of it); where we are at now on the fulfillment timeline; and what will happen next as we await Messiah’s return. http://revelationtimelinedecoded.com/revelation-fulfillment-timeline-summary/
I recommend using the green Print/PDF button on the bottom of the page, to save it as a PDF, and to print it out, as the historical narrative of prophecy fulfillment is radically different than the false, futuristic explanations that permeate most churches today.
Contact me anytime to let me know how I can help you,
Hello could you please elaborate on this comment from Lorrie …”I’m referred to Greek words that focus “earth” as a it was then and reminded that we are already in heaven at this point and that earthly Israel (gathered 144,000) is ruling the nations for a 1,000 years.” I have not heard this before. Is this your belief as well?
Thank you
I replied to her comment Molly. Here is what it says:
Hi Lorrie, the only mention of Jews in Revelation is when Messiah says that they claim to be Jews, but do lie. That seems to point to people who are not the descendants of Abraham, like many in the modern state of Israel; who proclaim to be the Jews of the Bible.
Revelation is all about Israel from the point of view that true Israel is made up of the saints, who have a covenant relationship with the Father through the Son.
True Israel is made up of Jews and Gentiles. It is not about the modern Zionist state of Israel.
It is about the historical battle between the Satan-empowered leader of the Roman beast, fighting against Messiah and His saints.
Satan used the Roman Emperors to try to wipe out the Early Church, killing 10 million saints; but the saints overcame by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.
When the Roman Empire declined and fell, due to the seal and trumpet judgments; Satan caused the antichrist Popes of Rome to take power of the Roman beast; and he used them to try to wipe out the Two Witnesses of the Scriptures (as the banned and burned them) and the saints (as they caused over 50 million saints to be killed.)
Since the Popes were removed from power in 1798 A.D., Satan has empowered the false prophet Jesuit General to control the Vatican, and he is using it to push the world into a One World Government.
Here is my Revelation Timeline Decoded summary study, that shows the big picture of the narrative of Revelation; what has been fulfilled during the last 1,900 years (most of it); where we are at now on the fulfillment timeline; and what will happen next as we await Messiah’s return. http://revelationtimelinedecoded.com/revelation-fulfillment-timeline-summary/
I recommend using the green Print/PDF button on the bottom of the page, to save it as a PDF, and to print it out, as the historical narrative of prophecy fulfillment is radically different than the false, futuristic explanations that permeate most churches today.
Contact me anytime to let me know how I can help you,
Ok I am just wondering why she would think we are already in heaven?
I believe that she was referring to a future event, saying we are already in heaven when that takes place.
Hi David, it appears my comments on this page have not been approved or not published? Was there something offensive?
Nothing offensive Tim, I’m just busy. I manage multiple websites, so sometimes it takes a bit to approve comments.
Thanks David. Interested to know your thoughts.
I am very impressed with your website. I have been wrestling with the 70 weeks prophecy for years. I was amazed at some of the authors that you cited as inspirational on your journey, as they were the same one’s that I’d list. I have never met anyone that even knew who Ralph Woodrow was!! I have several of his books and glad that he has impacted others. Stephen Wohlberg’s book was very foundational in breaking through my dispensational walls. Thank you for your diligent work. I look forward to reading the entire site. I’m sure I’ll have some good questions for you soon.
Brandon (Fresno, CA)
Thank you for your comment Brandon! Reading Ralph Woodrow’s concise explanations confirmed what I had been learning from other authors. I’m blessed that the Spirit put him, Steve Wohlberg and all of the other teachers in my life! Contact me anytime with questions or insight about the studies. David