Support David

Thank you for considering to support this ministry!

I’m committed to full-time ministry and have been working part-time in the health and wellness industry to pay my bills; and to pay the ministry costs of website hosting, domain names, email distribution services, podcasting hosting, etc. 

My income has dropped dramatically the last few years. If I get a different job, it will pull me away from my assignment, which is to write studies and books, and make videos.

Click here to easily and safety support this ministry with a $5, $15 or $25 donation, or a monthly membership, with Buy Me A Coffee.

If you want to send money via Zelle, comment below. I won’t publish the comment, I’ll just use your email address to send you my information.

If you want to send money via Venmo, you can send it via my username: David-Nikao

Click here to donate via PayPalPayPal now only allows people with a PayPal account to donate.

Mail me a check. Make it out to David Wilcoxson and send it to PO Box 1690 Parker, CO 80134

Click here to donate via my GoFundMe fundraiser. I’ve used GoFundMe for years. You can use a credit card and they send the money to me. You can click on the ENTER CUSTOM TIP link and enter $0, so that all of the money is transferred.

I pray that our Heavenly Father blesses you and keeps you. May He make His face shine upon you and be gracious unto you!

David Nikao Wilcoxson.

6 thoughts on “Support David”

  1. Hello David, My name is Norman and I have just found your site about the end times. My wife and I find it very interesting. Clears up a lot of questions we had. I would like to donate to you but Go fund me needs you to sign in and resolve an issue or whatever.

    • Hello Norman 🙂 I’m blessed that the studies help you and your wife. There’s many deceptions in these end times, so there’s a lot to ‘unlearn.’

      Are you saying that I need to sign in and resolve an issue on GoFundMe? Or that you need to sign in to donate, and are having a problem?

      I click on the link and it seems to work okay.

      You can use the PayPal link on the page. You don’t have to have a PayPal account.

      Let me know what you find out about the GoFundMe issue. I had to create a new fundraiser per GoFundMe.

      Thank you!

  2. David, if you are willing, can you send me a brief response through an email and perhaps if you are interested we might be able to discuss a few issues. Right now, I would like to learn, if possible, your interpretation of the 2300 days.. thank you, Charlie

  3. Hi David, I just found you on youtube which lead me to your website. I am quite fascinated by your work. I was raised in a Christian environment. Went to church etc but had a lot of trouble buying into what I was being taught. The sinner’s prayer was promoted and was a source of frustration to me as it never truly saved me. I left the church in late teens. Recently, I stumbled across a youtube video of street preachers who were preaching to a rough crowd. They were hostile toward him and their evil was quite evident. At the same time I was hearing the gospel as if for the first time. It awakened me and I began to search out the scriptures. The words came alive for me and I remember being astonished to come to the realization that I believed. I remember thinking “wow, this is really true!” “these things really happened!” I was aware that the churches are being taken over and so I wanted to make sure that I was going to attend a true church that has not been comprimised. I decided to go to a Gospel Hall (Plymouth Brethren) as they stick to the old ways. I have recently discovered though that they were started by Nelson Darby and they believe in the end times rapture deception that he helped to spread. My question is, do you know of a list of churches that believe what you teach? It’s clear to me that you are speaking the truth. I live in Ontario Canada, just north of Toronto. I would really appreciate your help if you have any information.

    • Hi Sandra, that’s great that you’re pursuing learning about prophecy fulfillment! The only church denomination that I know of which teaches historicism is the Seventh Day Adventist Church, but I believe that they’ve been infiltrated and are teaching some false explanations. Keep learning and growing in The Way!


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