About The 70th Week Of Daniel Website

This 70th week of Daniel Bible study page shares my story and the need to expose the deception about the 70 weeks of Daniel prophecy.

Much of the information on this website has been taught for 1,800 years by the great theologians, and it’s only been during the last few centuries that Messiah’s Church has lost the truth about prophecy fulfillment.

In 2 Timothy 4:3-4 Paul warned us, “For there shall be a time when they shall not bear sound teaching, but according to their own desires, they shall heap up for themselves teachers tickling the ear, and they shall indeed turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to myths.

Up until a few years ago, I simply believed what my Pastors had taught me about the end times.

What they taught lined up with what my John MacArthur Study Bible says, which lined up with what I hear popular Pastors like David Jeremiah and Chuck Swindoll teach. They’ve been to seminary, so surely they knew the proper explanations to prophecy.

There was no reason to doubt them… Until the Holy Spirit started me on a journey that revealed how the Bible explains prophecy fulfillment, which is contrary to many of the teachings from Pastors today.

The Spirit put on my heart to look to theologians who had not been corrupted by all of the deceptions, which have really taken hold during the last century.

The best tool that the Spirit put in my path is SwordSearcher Bible software, as it gives me easy access to Bible commentaries from the top Bible scholars of the 1700 and 1800’s, such as:

  • Albert Barnes’ Notes on the New and Old Testaments.
  • John Calvin’s Commentaries.
  • Adam Clarke’s Commentary on the Bible.
  • Commentary from the 1599 edition of the Geneva Bible.
  • John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible.
  • Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible.
  • Matthew Henry’s Whole Bible Commentary.
  • Matthew Poole’s Commentary on the Holy Bible.
  • John Wesley’s Bible Notes.

I am blessed to stand on the shoulder of these great theologians, who have taught me so much about Scripture.

You can find some of their commentaries at www.studylight.org/com/ but SwordSearcher lets you quickly read through all of the commentaries about a particular passage. And it gives you the Strong’s word listing, a Bible dictionary and much more.

Other people who the Spirit has placed in my life during the past few years are:

Henry Grattan Guinness, who wrote Romanism and the Reformation: From the Standpoint of Prophecy which gives the explanation for the prophecies in Daniel, in 2 Thessalonians 2, in John epistles and Revelation. It’s an excellent study that exposes The Holy Roman Empire and it’s role in end-times Bible prophecy. Click here to read it online.

Ralph Woodrow’s book Great Prophecies Of The Bible covers the second coming of Christ, Matthew 24, the 70 weeks of Daniel and the antichrist.  Highly recommended reading!

Pastor Samuel Pestes, who wrote “The Stonecutter’s Bride“, “Ancient Nation’s Rise To Strike Again“, and “Abraham’s Message To The 21st Century“; Pastor Sam has had a great impact on my beliefs about the 70 Weeks of Daniel prophecy, and Messiah’s New Covenant as the fulfillment of the Everlasting Covenant that God made to Abraham.

Phillip Mauro’s study “The Seventy Weeks and the Great Tribulation” taught me so much about the fulfillment of the 70 Weeks of Daniel prophecy, the prophecy in Daniel 11 and 12, and Messiah’s Olivet Discourse.

I’ve spent many hundreds of hours reading through many books and commentaries, listening to many audios, and watching many videos.

Some Bible commentaries, such as from John Gill, are extremely detailed and long. Most people are too busy to read these books and watch the videos, so the Spirit uses me to make the explanations more concise and easy to read.

Some people criticize me because I use the name Yah for the Heavenly Father.

Psalms 64:4 declares the name Yah, “Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name JAH, and rejoice before him.”

The Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary word for Jah is Yah: 3050, יָהּ Yahh yaw contraction for 3068, and meaning the same; Jah, the sacred name:—Jah, the Lord, most vehement. 

Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary word 3068 is Yahovah. יְהֹוָה Y@hovah yeh-ho-vaw’; (the) self-Existent or Eternal; Jehovah, Jewish national name of God:—Jehovah, the Lord. 

There are 45 verses which the King James renders as Lord, which have the underlying Hebrew name Yah.

An example is Exodus 15:2, “The LORD is my strength and song, and he is become my salvation: he is my God, and I will prepare him an habitation; my father’s God, and I will exalt him.” Using the Hebrew word for LORD,  it should read “Yah is my strength and song…”

Psalms 150:6 says “Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.”

Praise = hallel. Lord = Yah. Hallelujah means ‘Praise Yah’

So who am I and what gives me the authority to teach these things?

I am not a Preterist, which is someone who believes that all prophecy was fulfilled during the 1st century.

I believe that the prophecies of Daniel 9, Daniel 12, Matthew 24, and others which relate to the Jews of Messiah’s day; were fulfilled in the first century, as those prophecies were about them.

I am a Historicist, like most every believer before the 19th century, believes that all of Revelation has been in the process of being fulfilled since it was written and won’t be completed until Messiah returns.

I am not Seventh Day Adventist, though they teach some of the same historicist narratives. Sadly most Protestant Pastors teach the futuristic view of prophecy, which is a deception from the enemy.

I was blessed to grow up in a Christian family and attended Baptist Churches during the early part of my life.  I was blessed by the verse-by-verse studies at several Calvary Chapel Churches. Sadly, most churches are daughters of the Roman harlot, and much of their teaching is contrary to scripture; so I am not longer a part of a formal church.  I don’t even call myself a Christian anymore.

I have not been to seminary or a Bible school. I am simply a child of the Most High, who has the Scriptures as my guide and the Spirit of Elohim as my teacher. I have committed my life to learning and teaching Elohim’s truth about prophecy, and I work full-time in this ministry.

I believe that the Spirit shows me many insights because I hunger to know truth, so that our Father is glorified and the enemy is defeated.

Proverbs 2:1-5 says, “My son, if you accept my words, And treasure up my commands with you, So that you make your ear attend to wisdom, Incline your heart to understanding; For if you cry for discernment, Lift up your voice for understanding, If you seek her as silver, And search for her as hidden treasures, Then you would understand the fear of יהוה YaHUaH, And find the knowledge of Elohim.”

In Revelation 3:19-21, Messiah chastises the end-times church, proclaiming that they’re lukewarm, wretched, miserable, naked, poor, and blind. Then He gives us the promise:

As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. To him that overcomes will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.

The word ‘overcomes’ in Greek is nikao. It means to conquer, to overcome, to prevail, to get the victory.

Ever since I began my studies of Revelation, and read that passage, I’ve felt that the name Nikao defined my ministry, for my calling is to teach the fulfillment of prophecy, and to expose the deceptions of the enemy. That is how we conquer the enemy and get the victory!

So when I created a Facebook profile for ministry, I used the name Nikao, because I don’t make Facebook about me. I don’t post selfies, I don’t make posts about my life. I focus on overcoming the enemy, by teaching prophecy fulfillment. When I started posting YouTube videos, I used that name.

It’s the name that I resonate with more than my given name, especially since I don’t have children, so my real name won’t be passed on. But I don’t want to mislead anyone about who I am. I hope that my work brings honor to my father and mother, who blessed me so much by teaching me about our beloved Messiah.

Prophecy fulfillment is fairly straight-forward and easy to understand, but it is all of the deceptions that the enemy has created that make it difficult to see the truth.

My friend, I encourage you to be a Berean and search these things out, don’t take my word for it, don’t seek to defend a position, just seek the truth.

Because until the Church understands the grand deception that has blinded her, she is unable to fight to overcome the enemy in the power of the Word.

My heart breaks for people as they have been so deceived, and have no clue about how the future is going to play out, so they are like the foolish virgins who are unprepared for Messiah’s return.

My tears are shed for Pastors, who are unknowingly teaching the prophecy concepts of the Antichrist, for they will be held accountable for misleading their flocks.

I pray to our Heavenly Father in the power of Messiah’s name that He will give you eye salve to see the truth.

In His love,

David Nikao Wilcoxson

Here’s a link to the How To Share The Historical Fulfillment Of Prophecy one-page PDF which helps you open up people’s minds to the historical fulfillment explanations.

18 thoughts on “About The 70th Week Of Daniel Website”

    • Thank you for your comment Randy! I wish that too, for it is one of the enemy’s biggest deceptions! Keep learning and growing in The Way! David

  1. Greetings of peace,
    It is refreshing to find so much truth in one place. Thank you for your courage in speaking out. And you even denounce the pagan trinity.

    I must say however, that I have perused enough of your website(s) that by now I should have a clear understanding of what gospel you preach. There is only one and this is the most urgent need of the hour as we have a nation full of “born again” Christians who have never been born again. Without the Holy Ghost, no one can be led into all truth.

    John 3:3-5 equals Acts 2:38 and that is the everlasting gospel the apostles preached and what the 2 witnesses will still be preaching. Peter was given the keys to the kingdom and preached the first gospel message. And please see Galatians 1:8-9

    Sincerely I pray in Jesus’

    • Greetings Lori! My target audience is Christians who are seeking truth about prophecy fulfillment. I understand what you’re saying about them possibly not being born again. I’ll look into adding a Gospel page.

      The challenge is that most born again ‘christians’ need to come out of their church, as most pastors preach the teachings of Rome, not Scripture.

      The challenge is that people need to observe the Holy Feast Days, which Messiah is still fulfilling to redeem His set-apart saints; not the Roman holidays of Ishtar and Christmass.

      The challenge is that they need to stop following the Roman calendar, which starts in the dead of winter; instead of the Scriptural calendar, which starts in Spring, when everything is coming back to life.

      The challenge is that they need to stop following the Roman calendar, which starts a day in the middle of the night; instead of the Scriptural day, which starts at dawn, when the sun is overtaking the darkness, and the land comes back to life.

      Most christians need to ‘come out of Babylon’. http://comeoutofher.org

      • by the way damn fool Calvin was and all that follow the tulip . The stupidity that humans have no free will to believe . Hello book of Job note God does not say to Satan hey look at Job he serve me because he has to because he has no free will to do other wise .Calvinism is another of the wicked doctrines in the church that leads souls to hell . Jesus says to them oh Jerusalem I wanted to gather you under my wings but you refused or will not allow it . John 15 Jesus say remain in me if you will not then I will throw you in the fire . David you do not know the Bible again you a man who follow men’s books before anything else. You remind me of the Catholic who only accepts the Bible explanation by what their priest and church tell them first to accept .David you are far from truth

    • Lori he not giving you truth .He follows men’s words and men’s books. In this he only gets their opinion and absolute lies folks.Trinity pagan lolol the folly of the foolish today .God said like US make man in OUR image. God the creator talking to the God of the godhead the trinity .He not talking to anyone else. God is one in three persons of the godhead. John 17 Jesus speak to the father as a another person. In the three gospel the Father speak from heaven about Jesus being His son. Scripture sola scriptura is not what you folks follow. Jesus is God not the Father or the holy spirit Father is God not Jesus or the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is God but not Jesus or the father.. Lori by the way Baptism does not save either .Jesus was baptized hello did he need to be saved? NO It not about the water but the blood of Jesus . Sad how folks follow a church and men to twist like Satan God’s word . Oneness churches are in darkness.

  2. The problem with you is you chased after men words and opinions. The Bible was not good enough for you to know the truth .Nor was the Holy Spirit who you asked to help you know Biblcial truth. The fraud today is other men books . God gave one Book the Bible for truth .Folks act like Mormons they too have their other books they use . So you been indoctrinated by men. They have caused you to follow them and not really the Biblcial truth . The falling away is here because the foolish abandon the Bible sola scriptura.

  3. David, a friend of mine just sent me your link to consider. I was absolutely floored to learn I was not the only one (and apparently if you believed the 70th week prophecy was fulfilled by the coming of the Messiah, there should also be others…. it is a little deflating since I completed Daniel 9 approximately 10 months ago and and now dealing with this monster called chapter 11 – but I have it now).
    In any way, wonderful work…. and like you, I have NO training whatsoever, and Daniel is the only book of the bible I have attempted to read / study since being a born again Christian. I was told to first study Daniel before my desire to try and understand Revelation, yet when I would ask these same folks what they thought this verse meant they would point me to Revelation…… go figure. Anyway, have you learned of the message of the 2,300 days? This took me about 3 weeks just by itself and when I mentioned my findings these same folks “seemed” to what to put me on a cross/ They were SDA folks and of course they have this 1844 thing going on and it is almost “gospel” to them…. They were and are not happy with me….. it completely destroys their interpretations… So, if we are in total agreement with the 70 weeks,,,,,, Look forward to your response and hopefully, this might begin an interesting series of discussions, Charlie

      • David,

        If the interpretation you promote is true, shouldn’t we expect to find many NT authors stating just this, especially Paul!? I am confused about this. Considering Paul’s unique perspective and insight, and considering that he quote even obscure passages (like Psalm 68) to point to the Messiah, why doesn’t he clearly mention that Jesus fulfilled the 70th week of Daniel?

        • Thank you for your comment Adam. There are many prophecies about Messiah which Paul did not mention. There’s no reason for Paul to specifically point out that Messiah fulfilled the 70th week of Daniel 9, as the early church understood it. The disciples understood the timing of the 70-week prophecy and they were expecting Him. Even the Samaritan woman knew that Messiah was coming to reveal all things.

          But the Jewish leaders did not understand the time of His visitation, or they simply ignored it, and they rejected the Father’s Son and delivered Him up to be killed.

          Believers throughout history have understood that Messiah’s ministry took place during the 70th week of Daniel. They understood that the prophecy timeline started in 457 BC, which projects the 70th week as taking place from 27-34 AD. And when did Messiah die for our sins? Is it not during that time frame?

          Daniel is praying to the Father about the Jews who were set to be released. He was not praying about the end times or the antichrist.

          The covenant mentioned in Daniel 9:27 is the same covenant of mercy that Daniel pleaded with the Father to remember towards the Jews in Daniel 9:4, the everlasting covenant.

          When Abraham took Isaac up to sacrifice him, Isaac asked “where’s the lamb?” Abraham told him that the Father would provide a lamb. The Father provided a ram that day for the sacrifice, and Messiah is the Lamb of God who was sent to ratify/confirm the everlasting covenant that was made to Abraham and his descendents who believe by faith.

          Paul points to Messiah confirming the covenant many times, as this study shows: https://70thweekofdaniel.com/the-covenant-of-the-70th-week-of-daniel/

          Paul and the NT writers confirmed that is was Messiah who confirmed the covenant promises.

          Romans 15:8 says, “Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers.“

          Galatians 3:17 says, “And this I say, that the law, which was four hundred and thirty years later, cannot annul the covenant that was confirmed before by God in Christ, that it should make the promise of no effect.”

          Hebrews 9:15-17 says that the Messiah mediated the everlasting covenant and that He had to die to ratify it. “And for this cause he is the mediator of the new testament (covenant), that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament (covenant), they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance. For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator. For a testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth.”

          Hebrews 7:22 tells us, “By so much was Jesus made a surety of a better covenant.”

          The word “surety” means “to pledge” as a “bondsman“. When Messiah co-created the Abrahamic Covenant, He agreed to be the surety, the blood sacrifice, that would confirm the covenant.

          Hebrews 8:6 tells us, “But now hath he obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises.”

          I cover this in much detail in my The 70th Week Of Daniel 9 Decoded book. You can request a free PDF copy on the home page, or I would be happy to send you a printed copy.

          This is one of the most important prophecies in the Bible because of it’s fulfillment and because of the deception that’s based on it. The enemy has been very effective during the last century at pushing aside the witness of the saints who have gone before us, and promoting false, futuristic explanations.

          I pray that you get the book and search out the matter.
          Blessings to you,

  4. Hi David
    Thank you so much for the work that you do ! I am in the process of coming out of the Jesuit eschatology deception even though I am a Christian and your work helps greatly ! My ? is this….when I try to share this info pastors will try to quickly put you in the camp of a 7th day Adventist and write us off without any struggle or thought….are most most Historicist put in this camp too ? And how do I present an argument that would show a distinct difference ?

    Thank you !

    • Hi Brian. That’s awesome that you’re learning the historical fulfillment of prophecy to be able to see the Jesuit’s deceptions!

      Since SDA’s are the primary people group that declare that the 70th week of Daniel 9 is about Messiah’s first advent, and not about the end times or the antichrist; pastors make the association that anyone who teaches the historical fulfillment of the 70th week of Daniel 9 much be an SDA.

      I’ve had countless people say that about me, though I’ve never been in a SDA church, nor am I a part of their church.

      I try to open Pastors minds by asking them questions. Ask them what year they believe that Messiah died for our sins, to get that year locked in.

      Then ask them ‘what year did the 70 weeks of Daniel 9 prophecy start?’ Most probably haven’t studied the prophecy well enough to know. If that’s the case, then how do they know how the prophecy points to Messiah appearing at a specific time, after the 69 weeks?

      You can share that it was in 457 BC, which puts the 70th week as taking place from 27-34 AD. If they proclaimed that Messiah died in a year that falls in that range, then they have a dilemma as He died in the 70th week.

      Then you can share this one-page PDF with them to stir their thoughts, which shares a summary of how it was fulfilled on time by Messiah: https://70thweekofdaniel.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/The-70th-Week-Of-Daniel-9-Decoded-One-Pager-082721.pdf

      It’s tough for pastors to see the truth as they blindly believe their professors at Bible college, as they believe that they must know the truth. And pastors have been programmed with the false narrative through books, commentaries Bibles, movies, etc.

      I hope that helps! Let me know how it goes.

      Keep learning and growing in The Way!

  5. Pastor David. Today I’ve been trying to determine, by your guidance, these things:
    1 Where are we in the biblical timeline?
    2. What is next for us?
    3. Are we in the little Season?
    4. What year/timeline are we in now?
    5. What do you believe about what year we might be in?

    Is there a video where you clearly spell out what you believe at the beginning and then follow up with scripture? It is hard to glean your teachings because there is so much filler from past believers writings, back and forth scripture reading, etc. I am a simple person and am truly trying to understand. Surely you can or have produced one video or page that speaks to this End Time Topic every one is so interested in/


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